

Still wrapped, but the new light already shines through

I'm changing more and more. And that feels sooooo good. I suddenly prefer Dance and Rock music instead of singer/songwriter (the slow stuff like Colby Caillat, Josh Rouse and so on). Since yesterday evening I'm totally into Dance music and dance around my flat. I really had to pressure myself to put my iPod down, stop dancing and dress this morning!!! It took three serious commands to myself to make me do that. ;D

And what's more, I'll finally change my hairstyle, after one year of having roughly the same cut (unusually long time for me). It is time to move on and put something up to balance my dressy clothes.

So, this is how I look now/before (Monday morning to be exact):

taken with Mac Photo Booth, sorry for the relatively crappy quality

And the new me? You'll see tomorrow.


  1. Hi! we will see how you look tomorrow:) but the new light already shines through.. that is good ))

  2. Na da bin ich gespannt wie Du morgen aussehen wirst!! Passend zu Deinem neuen Musikgeschmack? Könnte interessant sein ;) Bis morgen dann...

    Lg Chris
