

Pictures of a perfect afternoon walk

I'm so LUCKY. No, really, I feel really lucky today. Leipzig was bathed in sunshine today and after coming back from the city at 3 PM I felt the strong urge to go for a walk. So I brought my library books home and went for a walk and explored the surroundings of where I live now.
I found beauty and was rewarded by the universe for every step that I took.
Normally I'm shy when exploring, but it is as if the universe is telling me to already get over with it, because it is a learned / trained shyness and not my natural self. I took several pictures of the beauty surrounding me, here they are.

I even found a swing on an empty (no children anywhere to be seen) playground and took advantage of it. I haven't used a swing in over a year and I just love swinging.

And I found money! Not much, but I could buy chocolate with it. ;-)

Have a great new week everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Ich brauch ja nicht mehr viel dazu zu schreiben ;)
    Lg Chris
